Vuejs pug template
Vuejs pug template

vuejs pug template

It moves to a "Virtual DOM" model like React. However, in the next version, it switches some things around. The first version of VueJS may have been best described as "AngularJS lite." It has a templating system that looks like Angular's and used "dirty checking" but uses ES5 getters and setters to monitor things that needed to be changed in the DOM instead of "dirty checking." However, it keeps its API small by not including extra utilities like AJAX, much like React does. It's another JavaScript framework that combines some things from the AngularJS and React frameworks. For those of you who don't know about VueJS, you can check it out on their website. Get out there and make something awesome! There is a working example of an application built using this new version here. TL DR VueJS has a new version coming out. You can find it here: Vuejs 2 Authentication Tutorial. We just added a new updated article that covers the same topic.

Vuejs pug template